**I wrote this last night before heading out to dinner for my older brother's birthday and ran out of time to post it!
I'm currently at my desk wearing two pairs of socks, a heat-tech layer with a t-shirt over the top, a pair of jeans and I'm about to put my Dr. Martens on for the first time since I was 18. There is a light dusting of snow outside but alas not quite enough to go sledging. As you can tell I am coping with the unexpected cold weather well. Along with the rest of the country, I am undeniably and unfortunately poorly equipped for snow.
I watched this youtube video at the beginning of the February to get inspiration for winter outfits. What I remember most from @elliqa's outfit video is her scarf. I neeeed that big scarf. Though her exact one isn't linked she lists a similar one from Weekday.
Tuva Shawl Scarf // Weekday // £35
Other Noteworthy Scarves:
Pleated Wool Scarf // COS // £49
Oversized Striped Scarf // AndOtherStories // £59
Ribbed Cashmere Scarf // AndOtherStories // £69
Song of the day: Angels - Khalid
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