Recently I've found that I am totally unable to get a good nights sleep. I'm usually awake until 2 or 3 in the morning with not an ounce of fatigue every single day of the week. I've tried counting sheep, I've changed my pillows, some nights I even sleep at the end of my bed and now I'm tired of being tired.
As I rely on Google to answer most of life's questions, "how do you get a good nights sleep?" is my latest enquiry. The advice out there is pretty broad and to my dismay, many of the outcomes are things I just can't change in my day to day routine. Aiming for a set bedtime every night isn't possible and I don't especially want to rearrange my whole room. As I didn't find the alternative information already available to be that helpful, over the past few days I've been compiling a list of all the things I think I can change whilst offering any advice on how to get the best nights sleep. Plus these tips are basically all free unless you want to go out and buy a magazine to read before bed :-)
Do's of Getting a Good Night Sleep:
1. Have some water on your bedside table/within reach at night. I always find it tricky to sleep without a glass of water by my bed.
2. PODCASTS are your best friend. Podcasts have been an absolute Godsend in helping me get to sleep. There are literally tonnes out there to choose from and I'm currently listening to one about House Plants. It's great. (see below for my favourites)
3. Read something, maybe an article in a magazine, newspaper or just a chapter from your favourite book. (No to reading a Kindle and anything on your phone/laptop/tablet)
4. I'm currently giving this app 'Headspace' a go after seeing it advertised so many times on YouTube. It's about meditation and taking the time in the day to just slow down and relax. I'm only on the second one out of the Basic category so I'll have to keep you all updated on how it goes!

Don'ts of Getting a Good Night Sleep:
1. I find that listening to music doesn't help :-(
2. Don't try to do any outstanding university/school work before bed - even for 10 minutes. When I walk into my room I see my desk first and always think I should sit down and do a little more writing - wrong, go to bed.
3. Avoid taking naps during the day. This is something I'm really trying to improve :-(
4. No CAFFEINE before bed. I'm a decaf tea and coffee advocate and I was reading today in the Evening Standard magazine that you shouldn't have caffeine after 2pm. Anytime before then is fine as it gives it a chance to get out your system before bed.
5. Avoid watching a film/starting a new series on Netflix before bed. 1 episode turns into 3 and then it ends on a cliffhanger so you watch 2 more and then before you know it, it's 5am.
This is just a round up of things I'm trying my hardest to put into practice to get the best nights sleep I can. Some things may work for you, some things may not. If you have any tips or things you do to get the best night sleep leave a comment down below!
Song of the day: Still Not Over You (Mall Grab Remix) - Klyne
(Someone I follow on Instagram shared this song the other day and I haven't stopped playing it since)
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