Squeezing this post into the last hours of 2016. My plans for the evening fell threw (shocker) so i’m in my pyjamas sat in the living room eating a brownie. I went into London with my family for the day, which has kind of become a tradition for us. My older brother lives in Barnes so we went there first for breakfast. We also always, always go ice skating in London too, but usually at Westfield in Shepherds Bush. However, as we were in a different area of London, we decided to head over to Canary Wharf where they had an ice rink. I always find Canary Wharf to be a bit strange over the holiday period. With it being the financial district and everyone still at home for Christmas, the whole area feels a bit too quiet if you know what I mean. My family and I also stumbled across the Crossrail Place Roof Garden which was such an unexpected discovery. I love rooftop gardens and have previously been to the sky garden at 20 Fenchurch Street which is a must visit too for something similar.

my best nine from Instagram // @thelaurenedit

my best nine from Instagram // @thelaurenedit
I’ve had a lovely day and I hope you all have lovely evenings too!
Song of the day: My Boo (Triple J Like A Version) - Flume
(not my drawing)
So as the year draws to a close, I thought i’d share my reflection on how 2016 has been for me. I was actually thinking about this at work earlier, and how I could best get across how this year has gone. The year has well and truly gone, literally like, I was going to share pictures or highlights of the year but I mean, so much happened. Not as in so much happened like I had an eventful year, I did, but I mean so much personal growth happened. I’m not even close to who I was in January, I don’t really even look like her. Weird right? Basically I thought i’d create some tips for 2017 based upon my experiences in 2016 to help you all have a solid year. I think i’ve had a solid year, but you know I can only say that on reflection when I probably cried 79 times when my printer wouldn’t work.
1. Join the gym - you could be as fit as a fiddle already but join the gym honestly, it has changed the way I view my body completely, not just made me healthier
2. Say no - say no to shitty parties and shitty people and shitty stuff, being able to say no doesn’t make you a bad person, it just makes you more in control of your choices and ultimately happier duhhhhh
3. Don’t take criticism personally - I feel being an art student this has actually been super hard for me, I couldn’t take criticism at all about my work before, but you gotta take it all with a pinch of salt
4. People aren’t against you, they are just for themselves (whose quote is this??)
5. Turn your phone OFF - never have I EVER WISHED that I had a Nokia brick phone than I have the past few months. I have come to realise that sometimes I don't want to constantly be in contact with everyone, which is progressively becoming all the time
6. You’re going to get rejected from jobs - however, you still gotta maintain the mentality that you are the best. It’s their loss not yours
7. Go to new places - if you’ve done the same thing for a while, whether that be work or school everyday, do something new on the weekend. It’ll honestly change your perspective
8. Let stuff go - people don’t think about stuff as much as you think about it, people lead there own lives
9. Treat yourself - sometimes, a week can be ultra shit and maybe you deserve a fancy coffee, or a magazine or a new top or some cake or you know, a trip to the cinema, it’s ok to allow yourself to do this. Otherwise you'll go mad.
10. Trust your own judgement - don’t ask for validation, believe in what you’ve done and stand by it, whether that be your work or a new recipe you’ve tried out that has gone horribly wrong
and just don't be afraid, this year is going to be your year (I mean fingers crossed it’s my year too). Don’t be afraid to cut people out, swap people out, move forward, move backwards, move diagonally. Its your life, and truth be told, the people who care aren’t going to run if you slip up, they’ll stand by you too. ENJOY IT, you never know what’s around the corner.
Also speak to your parents and siblings
Also double text the cute guy you like, triple text, quadruple text, life is DAMN SHORT
x Happy New Year Everyone x
Cropped Hoodie // River Island // Sold Out
Hoodie // Weekday // £30
Okay okay, so I know in the picture she’s wearing a grey hoodie, or maybe it’s even oatmeal, and the title of this is Want of the Week: White Hoodie but bear with me. Now, I am the worst person to get a white jumper, hoodie, jacket etc of any description. I think this may be because I have a tendency to wash my white and black clothing together making all my white tops grey…it saves on electricity I swear. I also am exceedingly clumsy and tend to put my elbows, cuffs, hands and whole face into food, so as you can imagine, a white hoodie is something that’s going to be tricky for me to maintain.
Despite this and after a lot of thought i’ve decided to take the plunge and buy one. Thank you Gildan hoodies via Amazon. At £12 it’s a steal. I’m not sure how i’m going to style it yet, i’ve thought about it a lot and to me it’s going to look really good. However I am probably the palest person I know so I could look ridiculous. OR it could make me look like I have a tan. It could go either way.
Gildan Hoodie // Amazon // £12
(free postage ooooh)
So I chose the photo from Spanish Vogue of London Street Style because I wanted to use the influence of casual wear to explain what i’m talking about. I was and have been searching for photos of white hoodies and how they have been styled for a while now. However I found that actually nothing was coming up that I felt really represented me. What i’m trying to say is, that I like to take elements of different brands and bring them together, in a minimal kind of way and i'm not really seeing that. So I could wear a top from I don't know, Missguided, layered with a Topshop vest, Levi Jeans and Vans. Who would know if it cost me £10 or £1,000. I was influenced by her look because she could be wearing a Burberry trench coat or one from Zara, you can't strictly tell, But it doesn't detract from the fact that she looks effortless and comfortable.
(also my last post on what I got for Christmas was my 100th post! Congratulations to my blog and thank you for all the support since I've started in January)

I feel like the edit I’ve put on all these images is really gonna bug me. I was taking forever on Lightroom to tweak them all and i’ve got two windows open side by side of my blog to see if the pictures are too orange. Hmmmm. Anyway, i’m going with it. I have consumed so much food in the past 24 hours I think I'm going to burst. I even had a big gym session on Christmas eve to try and counteract that, but I don't think it’s done anything. I got a bunch of small things for Christmas, however i’ve just picked a few items out that I thought you guys would like to see. I’m incredibly grateful to my parents and family for always providing me with such a lovely day year after year, and I’m always so thankful that we get to spend Christmas day all together as a family.
Goodhood tote bag. Emily and I went on an adventure when I was in London trying to find this store and it didn’t disappoint. See my London vlog and post about that for further infooooo. I really love this brand and to me, calico bags with simple black typography on are the best. I never caught the BB2 documentary about Vogue’s centenary. Obviously everyone kept telling me to watch it, and that I’d love it. Classic me just figured I could catch it later on iPlayer and of course it isn’t available anymore. HOWEVER, my mega babe of a mum has recorded it after seeing it and thinking i’d like it too. It goes with the ‘Inside Vogue’ book I got. So happy. The MAC extended play mascara is perfect and I was so desperately in need of a new one. My broken earphones made it into the bin back up in Edinburgh after I had given up trying to twist them around in the jack to get them to work. I think headphones actually squish my head. I’m not sure if i’m alone on that… Naturally becoming the gym maniac I have lately, I needed some more gym stuff and it obviously had to be black. The sports bra now matches my trainers and I already have a pair of the H and M leggings which fit like a dream. The Urban Decay Naked 2 palette was a complete surprise and i’m literally in love. I spent an hour putting on eyeshadow yesterday and then putting more on and more and more. Lastly, the Fitbit charge 2 was also a lovely surprise too! Like I said before, training at the gym has taken over my life so having something life this is so helpful.
I got a few pieces of clothing items too, but i wanna make some outfit shoots with them so i’m saving talking about that! However, shout out to my boyfriend for the Helly Hansen baby pink puffer jacket, ily <3
Ahhh, I hope all you guys had an amazing Christmas! New year is just around the corner and i’m gonna try and think of a good resolution that I can stick too.
Song of the day: Window Bird - Stars

bodysuit // Missguided // £12
playsuit // Urban Outfitters // £42
puffer jacket // Topshop £69
old skools // Vans // £52
wallet // Amazon // £8

bodysuit // Urban Outfitters // £10
jeans // ASOS // £63
puffer jacket // Urban Outfitters // Sold Out
air force 1s // Nike // £70
mini backpack // Grafea // £112

disco pants // American Apparel // $85 (£70)
top // Missguided // £6
puffer jacket // Urban Outfitters // £76
95s // Nike // £87
mini backpack // Urban Outfitters // £22
~ ~ ~
Firstly, happy Christmas Eve! It has come around ridiculously fast this year, I can’t believe it.
Secondly, New Years Eve. I’ve actually been thinking about this post a lot in the run up to Christmas. I have watched tonnes of videos on youtube of what people are planning to wear and been bombarded with emails about the perfect party outfit. However, I haven’t seen any clothes that resemble something i’d wear. Consequently I’ve decided to put together some outfits that cover the parties you’re most likely to go to: a house party, a club and I mean, is that it? I feel like they are the only two types of parties on New Years?? I usually spend it with my family, but this year I am spending it doing something else at the grand age of 21 and 3/4.
I considered including a post that incorporated heels, but then I wouldn’t go out somewhere that would turn me away if I was in trainers. I also never wear heels so that would be a bit pointless. I rarely wear dresses or skirts either, therefor I’ve kept it pretty chill in that department. In my eyes, you can don these outfits anywhere. I know people might like to feel slightly more jazzy at New Years, but to me I feel the best when i’m dressed as myself, which is usually a pair of trainers, leggings and a crop top. You are most likely to catch me at a house party so these outfits really cater to that. As i’ve gotten older I find I only want to go to clubs if it’s truly worth it. Plus house parties are always more chilllllll, people can just be lounging around whilst someone is playing tunes that everyone gets a say in.
However, this is all just personal preference.
To add a little something to all the outfits i’d probably throw on a choker, or any jewellery such as hoop earrings or necklaces. Also red lipstick sometimes can transform a look. I have Crosswires from MAC which I recommend, it's ultra red though and sometimes makes me look even paler than I am. Small bags are essential incase you go to a club and end up checking in your coat. I hate this so always try and avoid it and keep my coat on me. Or I don't wear a coat. Not wise when it’s so cold but honestly, I hate checking my coat in haha.
I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and a fabulous New Year. Remember, be yourself and you will have an amazing time.

I painted my nails the other day when I was at Em’s and they’ve already chipped. The colour is really cute and when she replies to my texts i’ll let you know what it is! Emily and I have been friends since we met on our foundation course before our degrees. We’ve lived within about an hour of each other our whole lives and never knew looooool, but we have each other now ha. I went round for the night as she has a new bed and as in the the process of redecorating; I wanted to have a nosey! We were going to go to the pub but ended up staying in, eating chicken pie and drinking wine. I’m trying to get Emily to help with some stuff I wanna do for degree show / masters applications but i’m feeling a little stumped. Probably because it’s the end of the year and i’ve run out of ideas! Not sure my brain is functioning anymore...
I need to wrap my Christmas presents but I am so tired! I slept really badly last night so I might save that for another day.
The nail varnish is Rimmel Super Gel in the shade New Romantic with a Rimmel top coat <3
The nail varnish is Rimmel Super Gel in the shade New Romantic with a Rimmel top coat <3
Song of the day: Say So - Terror Jr

I’m at Em’s right now and she lives in the middle of nowhere, literally, so i’m betting on the wifi dropping out any minute. We’ve just dragged her Christmas tree around to the other side of her house and I’ve never laughed so hard. It’s sooo good to be home.
I’m back down south if you didn’t already know from my Instagram. Today I went into town with my mum to do some last minute Christmas shopping. We went to Cafe CoCo on Cowley Road for breakfast where my parents have been before, but my mum took me there and treated me to eggy bread with bacon and maple syrup. It was amazing! Mum had an egg and sausage sandwich. If you’re ever in Oxford you have to go! We then walked up into town to check out the shops. It was super cold but the sky was really nice and blue, so it made the perfect light for pictures. We picked up a few bits and bobs, then headed for a coffee at the new Bodleian Café in the recently renovated Weston Library. Super cute.
Thanks for a lovely day mum,
Song of the day: Bad Intentions - Niykee Heaton, Migos, OG Parker

Ok so I know it’s a week until Christmas, but now I’m off uni till January I can give more time to creating consistent content. I kind of ramble a little bit about my life without really being specific, so I’m hoping to make stuff relevant now! I’m going to make a schedule, or a list and keep it interesting. I’ve probably said this 15,000 times before but i’m actually going to do this.
I’ve never really been big on faux fur but i’ve come to realise that my wardrobe is looking a little flat. I think i’m afraid to wear texture and I opt for things that are very figure hugging. My first want of the week is this grey faux fur pull over from Pins and Needles at Urban Outfitters. I prefer to wear jumpers more than I do coats (as you can tell I only wear one coat haha) because I like to layer up. I might wear a cami top, a t-shirt, a long sleeve, then a pullover like this. A coat is quite hard to pack away if it warms up or i get warm walking, so this is an easy compromise. It’s also grey so you know, it goes with my wardrobe.
Quote of the day: “Someday someone won’t be afraid of how much you love. They won’t stay on the shore; they’ll meet you in the depths” - Breanna Sipple
Song of the day: Inconsiderate - Reo Cragun (because it’s so good)

I feel like i’m still running around trying to pack stuff to take home over Christmas. I’m 100000% sure i’m going to forget something, but fingers crossed I don’t. Today my flatmate Max and I went to Princes Street to get a few more Christmas presents. I'd like to think we were beating the rush by being super organised, however it was madness. So so busy. I think i’ve done well on the gift front this year and i’m pleased I’ve got everything in time. We had Christmas dinner in the flat yesterday and it was so good. The best dinner ever, I feel like I had been waiting months for a big meal and now I can go into hibernation like a bear. It’s also been so lovely in the flat the past week and it feels really weird to be leaving. Usually I rush home and in all honesty, I am the first to leave as always, but I feel so privileged to live with the people I do. They are such an intelligent, creative and all around great bunch of people, that it’ll be tricky to find replacements when I graduate. I guess when you’ve lived with people for 3 years you get a bit attached!
Okay my eyes are seriously drooping, need to sleep. Hopefully I can take some nice pictures when i’m in York and make a post from that, but it’s only a quick visit so we’ll see!
Quote of the day: “If you lose someone, but find yourself, you won” - unknown
Song of the day: Inconsiderate - Reo Cragun

I’m just back from university following a meeting with my tutor about this semesters work and a quick visit to the library. I’m legit currently mad at myself okay because, I’ve been walking around feeling untouchable and like I never get sick you know. Never take sick days off uni, i’m always on campus. So here am I sat at home with the most congested nose, i’m breathing through my mouth but it’s so heavy as I try and get oxygen into my body that I sound 10x louder than normal. To top that all off i’m 99% sure i’ve got a some kind of bug too.
My dissertation deadline is in a week but i’m not doing too badly with it, just wish I didn't feel so rubbish. Plus my flatmate has 4 of his friends staying for a few days and i’m like gross and sick and feel bad that they have to witness that. I had a really good gym session last night and was there for 2 hours. My lats are on fire. I was going to go tonight but I might give my body some rest and try and hit the word count on this thangggg. I’ve also just realised Christmas is next weekend ha and I still need to order presents. Whoops. I feel thrown because it’s on a Saturday this year. That feels strange to me.
ANWAY, classic rambler. I wanted to discuss Lazy Oaf. I found this fashion brand, I don't know maybe when I was like 16? I want to say 16. You know when they did shirts where one sleeve was red and one sleeve was yellow and then a panel on the shirt was blue and one was green. They’ve always been on my radar and I’ve always admired their style. Recently I followed a girl on Instagram who has just become a graphic designer for Lazy Oaf, which I think has sparked my interest in their brand again. I wanted to make a little Lazy Oaf gift guide in homage to them and hopefully inspire you guys to shop with them this Christmas.
(New Graphic Designer at Lazy Oaf)
Song of the day: I’m trying to find those OG lit Christmas songs like Fairytale of New York. The proper proper Christmas tunes in my eyes are 80s hits.
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