I realised that I never share any of my work on here, probably because I am my biggest critic and deem most of my work unworthy for anyone (seriously). Last night upstairs had a party until literally 5am I swear, the walls were shaking and we all slept horribly here, so the productive day I planned on having today took a bit of a hit. However, I’ve been to the gym, showered, cleaned my room and done some reading for my dissertation that has confused me even further, so all in all i’m on track.
Anyway, I had a super helpful chat with a tutor at uni the other day about my future etc as i’m really trying to get that on lock. This is drawing I did of myself a couple of weeks ago and I think i’m going to use it for small packs I send out to agencies as part of my application. I’m trying to get my CV looking fabulous now as people are looking for interns for next summer already. Getting all my ducks in a row or something like that.
I also can’t draw shoes, or hands. Haha, aww it has been a long day. Trying to cook salmon now and not give myself food poisoning.
Quote of the day: “Give yourself some credit, you’ve come pretty far” - unknown
Song of the day: Go F*** Yourself - Two Feet

So, my family flew up to Edinburgh to stay with me for a couple of days, minus one brother. I tried to take pictures whilst we were all together, but i’m realising now I just have tonnes of photos of food…typical. I have been truly spoilt and I feel like I am going to explode. My mum definitely thought I was some kind of starved student, surviving on beans, eggs and like, potato mainly and porridge, oh and cereal!
We went for dinner at Byron on Monday night, I always find it to be so hit and miss, but it was super yummy. I had a chicken burger and a salted caramel shake afterwards. My younger brother and I had to go outside because we were nearly sick. Tuesday I wasn’t in university, and miraculously the weather was incredibly nice, so we went for a walk and then went up Calton Hill for dem views of Edinburgh. I’ve also realised that my knowledge of things and places is literally horrendous, so it’s been an educational couple of days for us all. Never hire me as a tour guide. We had a coffee at the Fruitmarket Gallery which is one of my favourite spots in Edinburgh. I had a slice of cake too and opted for the salted caramel, mocha and olive cake which was unbelievable. Then we went out for dinner at Civerinos, which is just off the Royal Mile near where my parents were staying. The food was actually amazing, I had this porcini linguine thing and my brother had pizza with meatballs on and my parents shared a four cheese pizza. For dessert we had these mini doughnuts with mascarpone and nutella dip. Help.
I had university today so my parents just did their own thing and my brother stayed in bed. We met up for lunch before they left. I’ve written about Project Coffee in Bruntsfield before but honestly their fry ups are award winning, in my book at least. I haven’t eaten any dinner because I am literally so full.
My family have left now which is sad. It was really nice to have them here and be reassured about everything i’m doing. Sometimes the regularity and monotony of university can make you forget about what it feels like to be a part of a family, but it’s always nice to reconnect and be with everyone again. I also need to see my older brother in London at some point.
I managed to squeeze in a gym session this evening which was much needed after all this food.
Song of the day: Alchemy - TALA

So my unproductive half term/week off uni has come to an end. I’m in one of those weird, I don't know, it’s not an artistic block, it’s just everything feels super up in the air, you know. I definitely don't feel old enough to be in my last year and instead of feeling powerful I’ve just shaken myself a bit. I’ve got tonnes of exciting things I want to get involved in, I’m just trying to get my head around actually doing them! I’m pushing myself to apply for masters programmes in London which is superrrrrrrr crazy amazing but also so daunting!
Ok, deep, sorry. I thought i’d collect together some stuff that i’ve been looking at lately for inspiration/to keep me sane. Most of these are from my Tumblr and Pinterest. Actually, this could just be seen as like, an inspiration board with a long rant at the beginning, courtesy of yours truly.
Other Inspiration:
Song of the day: Tiny Cities - Flume
Enjoy :————)
(the pictures used aren't mine, sorry)
(the pictures used aren't mine, sorry)
Currently in bed with a hot chocolate and some biscuits, surrounded by dissertation notes. Come through with that gym diet. I actually did work out today for soo long. The gym was really quiet which is my favourite, I tend to think I'm at risk of embarrassing myself when it’s busier. I even snuck in a selfie which just shows how empty it was. I’m trying to keep on top of exercising but my diet is not helping. I eat about 14 bowls of cereal a day. Helllpppp.
I wanted to quickly talk about the Kith X Power Rangers collaboration (which I think actually drops tomorrow) and Champion’s Spring Summer 2017 Collection. Firstly, Hailey Baldwin looks unreal in the shoot with Kith. I love the raw cut hem on the hoodies, the embroidery on the sleeves and how Kith have incorporated their logo without it detracting from the overall theme of Power Rangers. It’s completely nostalgic but at the same time feels super fresh and modern. I’m obsessed. Secondly, i’m mainly yearning for the pastel colours in Champion’s SS17 collection. Reminiscent of milkshakes or sweets, the pink, yellow and mint green hues give such a 90s throwback vibe again. Not to say i’m about to jump out and wear a yellow crew neck, but you know i’m all about that baby pink.
Song of the day: Rivals - Usher, Future
I’m feeling fairly certain that i’m still hungover but I’m back in Edinburgh so I can spend the week in bed. Last weekend (well the weekend just gone) I went down to Leeds to stay with some friends and partttyyyy. I actually ended up in bed at 1:30am, which is fairly embarrassing isn't it really. Perhaps at 21 i’ve actually lost my ability to drink. It was lovely to get out of Edinburgh however, and just be with my friends for the weekend. We did very little which was nice, and ended up watching a lot of First Dates when we were hungover and eating our bodyweight in chocolate and grapes (??? that combo).
I’m in bed now, but i’ve got a hot chocolate and some porridge so i’m on the road to recovery two days later. I also managed to squeeze in a gym session yesterday when I got back, email my mum and eat a burger before crashing out. Something about travelling always exhausts me and I'm not sure why? Maybe it’s because I can’t sleep on trains.
I have the week off uni now and i’m desperately trying to be productive. I’m focusing on dissertation research because i’ve neglected that a little this past week. ALSO forgot to say that I watched all of Stranger Things and i’m not sure what to do with my life. I got my dad to watch it too, everyone should watch it really.
Song of the day:
False Alarm - Matoma, Becky Hill
Quote of the day:
“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It’s a Saturday night and instead of going out drinking, i’m in bed with a hot water bottle feeling icky and gross. I had scrambled eggs for dinner, followed by some yogurt and a bowl of cereal. I feel my diet isn’t helping, but this cold has stripped me of any ability to taste anything. Aside from everyone being sick, university is in full swing. I can’t believe how quickly the years go now, summer was literally 5 seconds ago. I swear when I was 16, the days felt like they would never end and now it’s all going by in the blink of an eye.
ANYWAY, super long post. I’m probably uber late to the trend of metallics but I felt like this needed a mention on my blog. I bought some silver washi tape over summer after seeing a picture on Instagram of someone using it to tape up their work. Obviously, yes, now I tape everything with it too. The foot even came unstuck on the bottom of my Mac, so I taped it back on with my silver washi tape. Too far? Maybe.
Not only do I love the idea of using silver in any upcoming projects (actually just remembered i’m currently using a silver broad nib pen for my graffiti project) but I also love it in fashion. Not like a subtle pearlescent vibe, more like, astronaut, spaceship, ‘i’m wrapped up in tin foil’ look. I found a few pieces I’d wear myself and as it’s kind of the Christmas season (not really but basically is) I think these would be fitting for any upcoming nights out. Definitely statement pieces, and would look super cute with black high waisted leggings or trousers and black trainers. A black bomber jacket or puffer would also add a really nice touch.
Metallic Bandeau // Missguided // £15
Metallic Bralet // Boohoo // £12
Metallic Swimsuit // Topshop // £32
Metallic Halter Neck // Motel Rocks // £18
Song of the day: What's It Gonna Be - H "two" O, Platnum
(actually tho)
top image is just from Pinterest, I couldn't find the source
bottom image is link
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