Want of the Week: A Portrait of Venice

Tuesday 6 June 2017

images from the Negative Feedback shop site

Ok, admittedly, super long time no speak. My bad. So much has happened between my last post and now, it genuinely feels like my life has done a full 360. It's rained a lot today and I made the mistake of venturing outside so i'm definitely going to get sick, my hair still isn't dry. I'm currently in bed eating quinoa with peas and feta out of a saucepan, so I guess this is what it means to be an almost graduate. I'm heading home tomorrow and i'm having to box everything up. It's a really emotional process but i'm ready for the next chapter of my life. 

Anyway, in other news, you guys know how much I love publications, the other day I found the YouTube channel Negative Feedback run by George Muncey. Personally I love film photography and went through a phase of always trying to capture images that way. I have my Granddad's OM1 sat on my shelf which I really should use more. Moving on, I love his videos and photography style, it's very beautiful and clean. I'll link a video below of him talking about the publication he made, A Portrait of Venice. Unfortunately I think his zine is sold out but Negative Feedback issue 2 can be bought on his store. 

Youtube / Insta / Shop

Quote of the day: "You'll turn out ordinary if you're not careful" - Ann Brashers


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