After clearing through my room I rediscovered so many of my lost possessions. When I was 17 I started collecting cameras - actually unknowingly collecting them. Now I have a shelf completely dedicated to all my photography bits and bobs. This camera (above, a Polaroid One600 Film Camera) I got for my birthday ages and ages ago. After finding George Muncey on YouTube via his NegativeFeedback channel, I've felt a sudden need to go out and work on film. For some reason, the polaroid film is legit extortionate. I don't know why. You get 8 exposures for £20... £20.
Nonetheless I am keen to start up some photography on the side. I'm off into the City again towards the end of the week and I might take my favourite OM1 camera with me... however it is set to be 32 degrees in London tomorrow...

Impossible Film / UO / £20
I'm also in the process of making a cup of tea. God knows why in this weather.
Song of the day: Up Out my Face - Mariah Carey
"It's not chipped, we're not cracked, ohhh we're shatteredddd"
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