Wood Wood Hoodie // Naked // Burnt Red // £120
photos from Naked
After buying my Gildan hoodie I feel like I could buy more. I could buy a black one and maybe now even a red one. This is due to Emily talking about wanting a red hoodie. Her sister recently got the Champion x Supreme hoodie which is this amazing cherry red colour. It’s like one of those scenarios when you see a piece of clothing on someone else and really like it because they look really good in it, but then actually it wouldn’t work on you, if you know what I mean. I feel like that happens a lot with me, especially with colourful clothing. I think my skin has like a blue undertone, so warm reds sort of wash me out, but still I love this Wood Wood piece. It’s kinda similar also to the Bianca Chandon Lover hoodie which my boyfriend has in grey and I loveeee! I just said love, a lot.
I’ve also finally set up a Twitter. I figured it would help me share more with you guys but truly I have no idea how to use it! In my 20s and struggling with technology. Please help a gal out!
Song of the day: Say Nada (Remix) - Shakka, JME
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