So, okay for Christmas I got the MAC Extended Play mascara (which is really good by the way if you were considering purchasing) and it came with a free sample of Zoom Fast Black Lash. Oh my god. Okay so I never want to write negatively about stuff because i’m not about that but literally, this mascara. I had it on my eyeball, on my eyebrow and then when I tried to wipe it away it went everywhere. If you can apply this mascara and avoid getting it everywhere please let me know, because I actually like, I literally, never again. I have steady hands so I don't even understand. I had to do my eyeliner extra thick to cover it up as it had just gone everywhere.
Never again
In other news, term has obviously kicked off and as i’ve mentioned in previous posts, this is my last semester at university, unless I do a masters, but my last semester in Edinburgh which is sad. I haven’t posted on here for a few days as I’ve been unwell. It’s cold season so at least every other person is sick. Not fun. Once I get more back into the routine of being here i’ll get the posts rolling. I’ve been thinking about making a January favourites video, but we’ll see. The people in the block of flats across the road can literally see straight into my room, so I may have to find a somewhere else to do it haha.
Legit, I still think I have this mascara in my eye.
Song of the day: X - Eagles and Butterflies
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