Are your hands pealing, crusty and sore from increased and 100% necessary hand washing? Same. Very much the same. Currently, mine and my flatmate’s hands are especially sore on the knuckles, so with the array of moisturisers we have at home I’m going to talk through the ones we're using to keep our hands as soft as possible.
I use Vaseline for everything. I have the Intensive Care body lotion which is the Aloe Soothe one in the green bottle which I swear by. I aim to apply this every morning and night to my face, elbows and any spots that need something extra. I probably should apply this more liberally to the rest of my body but I forget. (I know, I know, you think I don't know?) For my hands, I use Vaseline Intensive Care Healthy Hands Stronger Nails (it’s in the smaller pink bottle) and I apply that pretty much after every time I wash my hands. THEN (we’re not done) before bed I put the Glossier Rich Moisturiser directly onto my knuckles only. I rub it in, I don't just leave it there. I'm pretty sure that’s not what it’s supposed to be used for, but it works and helps them not look so crusty the next day.
Vaseline Body Lotion - £6
Vaseline Hand Cream - £4
Glossier Moisturiser - £29 (the one in my photo is the mini one from the giftset)
My flatmate, Jules, uses the O'Keeffe's Working Hands cream which I think is going well for her. Our hands are pretty sore so we're open to suggestions if anyone knows any better brands that we can get our hands on at this time? I find the combination of the two moisturisers helps, especially for my knuckles.
O'Keeffe's Working Hands - £5.32 (it's working apparently)
In another announcement, and as Jules is off work and I'm WFH, we've stuck the radio on in the background to help us stay sane and connected to the outside world. What's our station of choice I hear you ask? Why Magic Fm of course. I honestly, truly love Magic Fm, they play all the bangers from Kim Wilde to Queen. You can't go wrong. We had it on for seven hours yesterday.
Stay safe and wash your hands!
Lauren x
P.S my blog is under construction at the moment as I figured a fresh start was in order. I'm just moving stuff around in the coding till I'm happy with it :-)
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