Montreal to be exact and it's lovelyyyy over here! It was a smooth flight, just under seven hours (I think) the food was good, I packed an adequate range of clothing, I've unpacked, we've eaten some good food since landing, walked around, done some exploring and now I'm ready to sleep for a few days to recover from this jetlag.
So far we've visited Mount Royal, realised we know very little French (but enough to get by), walked back to the house from Downtown at the hottest part of the day (do not recommend) and discovered the mall hidden beneath part of Montreal. I'm not sure what we have planned for today, but it's 9:30am I'm enjoying a glass of Tropicana, we've picked up some bagels for breakfast and it's just so lovely to be on holiday!
Other stuff:
> I get ultra paranoid that all my liquids are going to leak in my suitcase (I know). I seal everything with masking tape and put them into ziplock bags to ensure this doesn't happen... I mean it sounds extreme but saves me a lot of worry.
> I took three different things to read with me on the plane: recently purchased Gone Girl, the August issue of British Vogue and ES Magazine which we picked up at the airport. I also had an episode of The Staircase downloaded on my phone. This was slightly too much, and I spent a majority of the flight trying to sleep.
Song of the day: Move Me - Mura Masa, Octavian
Lauren x
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