I’m currently looking at my tumblr. I get a lot of traffic for my blog from there which makes me feel bad for semi neglecting it. I’ve never really looked at where the views on my blog come from so I definitely want to invest some more time into it.
I’ve just been out for a hugeee dinner with my flatmate (Wagamamas) but i’m still so hungry. I ended up buying a box of Cheerios on the way home which i’m happily munching on now.
Today was theeee day of my formative hand in. This means it doesn't count to my overall grade that I get next summer when I graduate, but they basically tell you what level you’re working at now. For example, I could be working at a 2:2, or a 2:1. It’s kinda based on percentages and how well you do in individual projects. I’m trying to explain this, however i’m realising now that I’m describing it soooooo badly. Moving on. My hand in is over, so now I'm effectively free till term starts again in January. I have half my dissertation to write but i’m hoping that’s not gonna take forever you know. Well, fingers crossed. I’m heading home next Saturday and meeting my parents half way down in York which will be lovely.
I’m so unbelievably tired. You know when you stop for summer or winter break and the fatigue of the semester hits you like a truck. That’s me right now. After I got home from taking my work into uni today, I promised myself I’d go to the gym after a bowl of porridge. However, as soon as I sat in bed for 5 minutes, I was out. I’m so desperate to go to the Christmas market. I get weird like, waves of feeling Christmassy, and then they dissipate. Last week I watched Miracle on 34th Street and I honestly love that film!
I have Did it Again by Shakira stuck in my head.
Quote of the day: "If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, then stop accepting crap and demand something more" - Cristina Yang, Grey's Anatomy
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